This photo was shot from the roof of the Bowering Parking lot and converted through Photoshop into an Illustration. NOTE TO HOTEL DEVELOPERS! If you want to build a hotel in Downtown St. John's, then make it look and fit in with these buildings. It will pass council in the first reading.
Camera Sony a350, f8 1/250 sec at ISO 100.
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Extreme long exposures at night can cause the image to look almost like a daylight photo. This photo of Salmon Cove in Conception Bay North, Newfoundland is shot at night. You can see a slight orange glow on the left side of the big rock across the harbour, caused by distant street lights. The long exposure also smooths out the gentle waves into a smooth"Liquid Lead" look. Sony R1 ISO 160, 13 second exposure, f16 about 9:30 at night.
Industrial scenes can be quite cluttered and distracting. One great way to draw attention to the Fork lift is to shoot it while it is moving. This Panning Action shot reduces the clutter and distraction of the background while emphasizing the subject. This shot was at ISO 100, f8.0 & 1/15 of a second. Enjoy and comment.
Photography is a great and funny business. I do it for a living, but it is also one of the most enjoyable and rewarding activities that I have ever participated in. I am not a snobby artist photographer who thinks that they are greater or more “visionary” than the rest. I love the photography of others. After 25 years working as a professional photographer and 10 years as a teacher of photography, I learn about my passion from everyone who is also passionate about creating an image. There are things to learn from great artists like Rembrandt and Karsh, there are always new things to learn from “The Kids” who seem to embrace the new image capturing technology as if it were instinct. I always learn from my students and my coworkers. As with most people in the “business” of photography I learn from other professional photographers. This blog is about Photography. It is probably meant for other photographers as much as it is for me to talk about my photography.